The Alien´s Chick (Contest)
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Some day an chicken went over a street.
It was a sunny day and the warmth pleased the animal so brightly.
Then something occured: An UFO past the earth and the 2 aliens in it watched the earth... for some reason they zoomed exactly that place with that street and the chicken on it.
It was time for lunch and the one alien was very hungry.
And it was an intelligent and full of knowledge alien who studied the earth´s animals.
So he knew that chickens were tasty and good food, also for aliens, if he right remembers.
The second alien looked anxious to the another one and sighed, but too late, the first one took the lasershot on that chicken down there...
But in his hunger he didn´t set the right instructions for the gun, so it cracked and even the distribution system of the UFO cracked, too.
The 2 aliens began to panic, but no chance, it was too late and they crashed down on earth.
Coincident? They precisely met the innocent little chicken :D
So, das war die kleine alberne Geschichte, nun kommt ihr ins Spiel, ich suche nämlich die originellste und lustigste Beschreibung für das Ergebnis, wie z. B. Alien On Egg oder Marsian Chicken - aber euch fällt bestimmt tolleres ein.
Bitte als Kommentar oder eine eMail schreiben :)
Bin ma gespannt auf eure Ideen ^^
Der Gewinner bekommt eine Illlustration zur Geschichte und falls Homepage vorhanden, eine Werbeverlinkung mit Banner hier ^^
Some day an chicken went over a street.
It was a sunny day and the warmth pleased the animal so brightly.
Then something occured: An UFO past the earth and the 2 aliens in it watched the earth... for some reason they zoomed exactly that place with that street and the chicken on it.
It was time for lunch and the one alien was very hungry.
And it was an intelligent and full of knowledge alien who studied the earth´s animals.
So he knew that chickens were tasty and good food, also for aliens, if he right remembers.
The second alien looked anxious to the another one and sighed, but too late, the first one took the lasershot on that chicken down there...
But in his hunger he didn´t set the right instructions for the gun, so it cracked and even the distribution system of the UFO cracked, too.
The 2 aliens began to panic, but no chance, it was too late and they crashed down on earth.
Coincident? They precisely met the innocent little chicken :D
So, das war die kleine alberne Geschichte, nun kommt ihr ins Spiel, ich suche nämlich die originellste und lustigste Beschreibung für das Ergebnis, wie z. B. Alien On Egg oder Marsian Chicken - aber euch fällt bestimmt tolleres ein.
Bitte als Kommentar oder eine eMail schreiben :)
Bin ma gespannt auf eure Ideen ^^
Der Gewinner bekommt eine Illlustration zur Geschichte und falls Homepage vorhanden, eine Werbeverlinkung mit Banner hier ^^
Luthien - 2005-03-24 13:18
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